Assisted Living in Coventry






About Diamond Health Care Solutions Ltd

At Diamond Health Care Solutions Ltd, we pride ourselves on delivering compassionate, person-centred domiciliary care services. Our mission is to support individuals in maintaining their independence, dignity, and comfort within their own homes. We provide home care and assisted living in Coventry and beyond. We cater to a diverse range of needs, including those with physical disabilities, sensory impairments, and conditions such as Dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

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Woman with disability and carer gardening together






Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality, flexible domiciliary care in Coventry that reliably meets the unique needs of each individual. By adopting an outcome-based approach, we ensure that our service users have real choice and control over their health and wellbeing.







Two women sharing a joyful moment on a couch, one an older woman with curly gray hair and glasses, and the other a younger woman with long curly hair and glasses, both smiling warmly. The image conveys themes of family, love, and connection.


Our Background

With a wealth of experience spanning many years in the care industry, our leadership team is composed of highly qualified professionals, including registered nurses. Our background includes extensive work within the NHS and the private sector. We hold CQC accreditation and are members of the Registered Manager's Network.





What We Provide

At Diamond Health Care Solutions Ltd, we offer a wide range of personalised support services and assisted living in Coventry designed to help individuals live independently and comfortably in their own environments. Our offerings include:

Icon home care

Domiciliary & Home Care

Personalised support for daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation.

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Icon dementia care

Dementia and Alzheimer's Care

Specialised care for individuals with Dementia and Alzheimer's to ensure they live safely and comfortably.

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 Icon complex careComplex Care

Catering to individuals with intricate care needs, ensuring all aspects of their health and wellbeing are managed effectively.

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Icon supported livingSupported Living

Supported Living services in Coventry, empowering individuals with disabilities to live independently with personalized care and support in their own homes.

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Icon visiting careVisiting Care

Regular visits to provide support with various daily tasks and to ensure the wellbeing of our service users.

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Icon man helping elderly person Respite Care

Temporary relief for primary carers, allowing them to take a break while ensuring their loved ones receive the best care.

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Icon person assisting wheelchair userReablement

Short-term care services aimed at helping individuals regain independence after hospital discharge or illness.

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